TED & Talks

The communication error we all make, and how it intensifies conflict Watch the newest video from Big Think: https://bigth.ink/NewVideo Join Big Think Edge for exclusive videos: https://bigth.ink/Edge ———————————————————————————- Ever had an argument that never ends? There’s a reason for that. Esther Perel, the Belgian-born psychotherapist and author, posits that in order to be heard correctly
Roop Singh is a technology strategist and educator. He practices the intersection of business, innovation, and society. Roop Singh is a technology strategist and educator. He practices at the intersection of business, innovation, and society. His previous TEDx talk in march 2019 was on “Who owns your digital identity? Blockchain unlocking the identity revolution.” As
‘Hey Bill Nye, Do You Think about Your Mortality?’ #TuesdaysWithBill New videos DAILY: https://bigth.ink Join Big Think Edge for exclusive video lessons from top thinkers and doers: https://bigth.ink/Edge ———————————————————————————- The days may seem long, but life itself is rather short. As Bill Nye the Science Guy explains, an average human life will span about 30,000
Anyone Can Be a Math Person Once They Know the Best Learning Techniques New videos DAILY: https://bigth.ink Join Big Think Edge for exclusive video lessons from top thinkers and doers: https://bigth.ink/Edge ———————————————————————————- Po-Shen Loh is a Hertz Foundation Fellow and Carnegie Mellon mathematics professor who thinks that history is a much harder subject than math.
Lawrence Krauss: Quantum Computing Explained Watch the newest video from Big Think: https://bigth.ink/NewVideo Join Big Think Edge for exclusive videos: https://bigth.ink/Edge ———————————————————————————- Lawrence Krauss describes quantum computing and the technical obstacles we need to overcome to realize this Holy Grail of processing. ———————————————————————————- LAWRENCE M. KRAUSS: Lawrence Maxwell Krauss is a Canadian-American theoretical physicist who
Visit http://TED.com to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized Talk recommendations and more. In this deeply charming and humorous talk, DJ and self-professed pirate Tom Nash meditates on how facing adversity due to disability invited patience, ambition and pragmatism into his life in enlightening, unexpected ways. “We all have unique weaknesses,”
6 ways to heal trauma without medication, from the author of “The Body Keeps the Score,” Bessel van der Kolk Subscribe to Big Think on YouTube ►► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvQECJukTDE2i6aCoMnS-Vg Up next ►► How to heal trauma with meaning: A case study in emotional evolution | BJ Miller https://youtu.be/hQAqBkKJRbs Conventional psychiatric practices tell us that if we
NOTE FROM TED: Please do not look to this talk for medical advice. This talk only represents the speaker’s personal views and understanding of sound and healing and lacks legitimate scientific support. We’ve flagged this talk because it falls outside the content guidelines TED gives TEDx organizers. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The
How to spot high-conflict people before it’s too late New videos DAILY: https://bigth.ink Join Big Think Edge for exclusive video lessons from top thinkers and doers: https://bigth.ink/Edge ———————————————————————————- Here’s a fast fact about high-conflict people: life is better when you avoid them. Bill Eddy, mediation expert and president of the High Conflict Institute, describes them
“What if I was to tell you that a game of peek-a-boo could change the world?” asks seven-year-old Molly Wright, one of the youngest-ever TED speakers. Breaking down the research-backed ways parents and caregivers can support children’s healthy brain development, Wright highlights the benefits of play on lifelong learning, behavior and well-being, sharing effective strategies
อ.เอกก์ให้ความสำคัญกับการทำงานวิจัยศึกษาพฤติกรรมผู้บริโภคที่เปลี่ยนแปลงไป จากยุคสมัยเดิมธุรกิจเกิดจากการคิดผลิตภัณฑ์ขึ้นมาขายตามใจผู้ผลิต สู่การสร้างผลิตภัณฑ์ตามที่ผู้บริโภคต้องการ หรือเรียกง่าย ๆ ว่า Outside-in อย่างไรก็ดีแม้ว่าการตลาดจะเน้นความเข้าใจผู้บริโภคมาก แต่คุณอาจไม่เคยรู้ว่าหลาย ๆ ครั้ง การตลาดนั้นสามารถเข้าใจผู้บริโภคมากเสียจนนำมาใช้เพื่อปรับเปลี่ยนพฤติกรรมคนได้ เช่น การลดความเบื่อหน่ายของการรอคอย การบรรเทาความทุกข์จากอกหัก การเพิ่มความสุขในทุกโอกาส และการผลักดันตัวเองให้เริ่มต้นสิ่งใหม่ ๆ Our lives are full of memories – some more pleasant than others – but have you wondered why you remember certain events better? In this talk, Dr. Ake discusses how we tend to interpret good and bad
Does your job match your personality? New videos DAILY: https://bigth.ink Join Big Think Edge for exclusive video lessons from top thinkers and doers: https://bigth.ink/Edge ———————————————————————————- Your personality will partially determine how good you are at your job, especially if you have a complex job that requires more than rote behavior. So are you and your
http://www.ted.com Comic author Rob Reid unveils Copyright Math (TM), a remarkable new field of study based on actual numbers from entertainment industry lawyers and lobbyists. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in
The path to less stress? Strategic pessimism. Watch the newest video from Big Think: https://bigth.ink/NewVideo Join Big Think Edge for exclusive videos: https://bigth.ink/Edge —————————————————— The centuries old philosophy of Stoicism may hold the key to a kind of happiness that is more grounded in reality. The two main ideas of stoic happiness are that problems
Visit http://TED.com to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized talk recommendations and more. Sleep is your life-support system and Mother Nature’s best effort yet at immortality, says sleep scientist Matt Walker. In this deep dive into the science of slumber, Walker shares the wonderfully good things that happen when you get
The Most Beautiful Equation: How Wilczek Got His Nobel Watch the newest video from Big Think: https://bigth.ink/NewVideo Join Big Think Edge for exclusive videos: https://bigth.ink/Edge ———————————————————————————- Frank Wilczek was one of three recipients of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2004 thanks to his work researching the so-called strong force. In this video interview, the
Le médecin Jimmy Mohamed partage, lors de cette 4ème édition de la conférence TEDxMarseille, sa vision des nouveaux médias. Jimmy Mohamed est un médecin généraliste qui officie pour SOS Médecins et intervient en tant que chroniqueur à la radio ainsi qu’à la télévision. Il suit des études de médecine à l’université Paris .Diderot et obtient
In art school, Phil Hansen developed an unruly tremor in his hand that kept him from creating the pointillist drawings he loved. Hansen was devastated, floating without a sense of purpose. Until a neurologist made a simple suggestion: embrace this limitation … and transcend it. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Life on Europa, Jupiter’s Moons, Ice Fishing and Racket Sports New videos DAILY: https://bigth.ink Join Big Think Edge for exclusive video lessons from top thinkers and doers: https://bigth.ink/Edge ———————————————————————————- Where there is water, there is life—and Europa’s got water alright: scientists believe it has twice the volume of Earth’s oceans swirling beneath
Dr. Wendy LeBorgne is passionate about how the physiology and perception of the human voice functions as the single most important aspect of communication. Dr. Wendy LeBorgne presents on the 5 key elements of voice which combine to create your Personal Voice Brand ™ and influence listeners around you. Dr. Wendy LeBorgne is an author-pioneer
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Want Scientifically Literate Children? Get Out of Their Way. New videos DAILY: https://bigth.ink Join Big Think Edge for exclusive video lessons from top thinkers and doers: https://bigth.ink/Edge ———————————————————————————- We spend the first year teaching children to walk and talk and the rest of their lives telling them to shut up and sit
Tu la pipì la fai seduto? Destrutturare le azioni che portano il maschio a portare in scena la sua mascolinità non è mai facile. La chiave di volta è proprio capire che esistono tante mascolinità quanti gli abitanti maschi sulla terra. In questo talk Pierluca Mariti ci racconta il suo punto di vista, il suo
¿Cuánto pueden ayudar las historias a aprender ciencia? Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón demuestra el poder de las historias para hacer interesante hasta lo más difícil y complicado. Eduardo es uno de los fundadores del grupo de monologuistas científicos “The Big Van Theory” y creador del monólogo científico ganador de FameLab España 2013. Docente universitario y
‘Hey Bill Nye, Is Playing the Lottery Rational?’ Watch the newest video from Big Think: https://bigth.ink/NewVideo Join Big Think Edge for exclusive videos: https://bigth.ink/Edge ———————————————————————————- The chances of winning the US lottery are 250 million to one, and in some cases higher. It’s not a small game of poker against some friends, instead it’s gambling
How to Win with Game Theory & Defeat Smart Opponents New videos DAILY: https://bigth.ink Join Big Think Edge for exclusive video lessons from top thinkers and doers: https://bigth.ink/Edge ———————————————————————————- If you want to win, it’s best to think crazy like a fox. Nobody knows this better than Kevin Zollman — a nationally recognized expert in
Vinay Menon identifies himself as a sarcastic attention seeker serving the snags of society blended with bittersweet humor. Here, through dabs of humor, Vinay talks about gender segregation in educational institutions. Stand-up comedian. Professor. Artist. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
Bill Nye’s Answer to the Fermi Paradox New videos DAILY: https://bigth.ink Join Big Think Edge for exclusive video lessons from top thinkers and doers: https://bigth.ink/Edge ———————————————————————————- It’s not unusual to hear someone openly say that they can’t do math at all; that they can’t figure out the percentage to tip on a bill. If someone
Strengthen Your Mind Like a Navy SEAL New videos DAILY: https://bigth.ink Join Big Think Edge for exclusive video lessons from top thinkers and doers: https://bigth.ink/Edge ———————————————————————————- What could almost destroy the body and mind of the only person to complete Navy SEAL training (including two Heck Weeks), Air Force tactical air controller training, and U.S.