Emma Dauster: Writer Luke Rosener: Fact Checker Bonnie Meyer: Managing Editor, Script Editor Savannah Geary: Editor, Associate Producer Sarah Suta: Producer Caitlin Hofmeister: Executive Producer Hank Green: Executive Producer, Host Sources: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6670060/ https://health.clevelandclinic.org/no-joke-your-desk-job-promotes-dead-butt-syndrome/ https://escholarship.org/content/qt8rh1m4jt/qt8rh1m4jt.pdf https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/12792-sciatica Image Sources: https://www.storyblocks.com/video/stock/smiling-african-american-male-hipster-use-phone-app-in-kitchen-346802084 https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/3d-illustration-of-the-gluteus-maximus-muscles-anatomical-position-on-xray-body-gm1338840737-419311839 https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/running-young-woman-gm1309697685-399327184 https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/overweight-fat-woman-squats-in-the-meadow-on-the-grass-weight-l-gm961478282-262559159 https://www.storyblocks.com/video/stock/festive-child-clown-dancing-hromakey-animation-green-screen-wslyz0h https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/painful-sciatic-nerve-gm187843707-23896074 https://www.istockphoto.com/vector/african-american-black-businessman-poses-set-gm1325394694-410433651 https://www.istockphoto.com/vector/skull-and-crossbones-icons-gm520798318-91115881 https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/this-pain-is-becoming-far-too-unbearable-gm645945344-117336753 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sciatic_nerve.svg
Thanks to modern science and technology, we can predict what the weather will be like in 5 days, but it’s still a bit more challenging to predict what will happen to us and our societies. Hosted by: Hank Green Head to https://scishowfinds.com/ for hand selected artifacts of the universe! ———- Support SciShow by becoming a
Opossums and possums are awesome. Here’s how to tell the difference. #shorts SUPPORT MINUTEEARTH ************************** If you like what we do, you can help us!: – Become our patron: https://patreon.com/MinuteEarth – Share this video with your friends and family – Leave us a comment (we read them!) CREDITS ********* David Goldenberg | Script Writer, Narrator
Emma Dauster: Writer Nicholas Evans: Fact Checker Savannah Geary: Editor, Associate Producer Sarah Suta: Producer Caitlin Hofmeister: Executive Producer Hank Green: Executive Producer Source: https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(22)00485-7?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0960982222004857%3Fshowall%3Dtrue Image Sources: https://www.eurekalert.org/multimedia/930534 https://www.eurekalert.org/multimedia/930536 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Philoponella.prominens.male.-.takinawa.jpg
A big thank-you to our supporters on https://www.patreon.com/MinuteEarth : – Maarten Bremer – Jeff Straathof – Today I Found Out – Tony Fadell – Muhammad Shifaz – Mark Roth – Melissa Vigil – Valentin – Alberto Bortoni ___________________________________________ Credits (and Twitter handles): Script Writer: David Goldenberg (@dgoldenberg) Script Editor: Alex Reich Video Illustrator: Qingyang Chen
Sometimes being in a traffic jam can feel like being stuck in a clogged pipe. And it turns out, maybe that feeling isn’t too far off. Today we look at 3 things that are remarkably unlike fluids, yet still behave in liquid-like ways. Hosted by: Hank Green SciShow has a spinoff podcast! It’s called SciShow
Invasive species are more than just unwelcome guests, and while some can be super harmful, others might actually be helpful! Hosted by: Stefan Chin SciShow is on TikTok! Check us out at https://www.tiktok.com/@scishow ———- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scishow ———- Huge thanks go to the following Patreon supporters for helping us
To start using Tab for a Cause, go to: http://tabforacause.org/minuteearth2 There’s a huge seasonal difference in death rates that is propelled by a variety of factors including pathogen behavior and anatomical response to temperature changes. LEARN MORE ************** To learn more about this topic, start your googling with these keywords: Crude Death Rate: The number
It’s no surprise that heart tissue and bone tissue have really different jobs. So why does it happen? Hosted by: Michael Aranda ———- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scishow ———- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters — we couldn’t make SciShow without them! Shout out to James Harshaw, Kevin Bealer,
You probably won’t get stuck in quicksand. But if you do, you can use physics to get yourself out. ———- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters — we couldn’t make SciShow without them! Shout out to Justin Ove, John Szymakowski, Fatima Iqbal, Justin Lentz, David Campos, and Chris Peters. ———- Like SciShow? Want
Is it possible for there to be a dog that is made of one very determined cell? Hosted by: Hank Green SciShow is on TikTok! Check us out at https://www.tiktok.com/@scishow ———- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scishow ———- Huge thanks go to the following Patreon supporters for helping us keep SciShow free
Why don’t we hear about people getting heart cancer? Turns out that some types of cells are less susceptible to cancer than others. Hosted by: Michael Aranda ‘Curing Cancer’ Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tzaWOdvGMw&feature=iv&src_vid=0VC4-HHbvF4&annotation_id=annotation_1395015907 ———- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters — we couldn’t make SciShow without them! Shout out to Justin Ove, Chris Peters, Philippe
Emily Graslie joins us to share the wonder of how shoulders, humble as they may be, have played a huge role in the evolution of mammals the world over. Thanks to the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Havard and The Field Museum for partnering with us on this episode. You can check out their channels
Thanks Thryve for sponsoring the video. Get 50% off your gut health test at https://trythryve.com/MinuteEarth For some birds, trying to cheat your neighbors into raising your babies is just as much work – and is no more successful – than doing it yourself. LEARN MORE ************** To learn more about this topic, start your googling
Over the years, lots of explanations have been proposed as the origin of Stonehenge, including lost technologies, outright magic, and — of course — aliens. What do we actually know about this prehistoric mystery? Skillshare is offering SciShow viewers two months of unlimited access to Skillshare for free! Try it here: https://skl.sh/scishow-13 Hosted by: Hank
Head to https://shopify.com/scishow to learn more and for a 14-day free trial. Thanks to Shopify, an ecommerce platform that helps you start, grow, and manage your business, for supporting SciShow. If salty water is constantly spilling into the world’s oceans, does that mean they are getting saltier by the day? Hosted by: Hank Green SciShow
Sharks come in a lot of different shapes and sizes and many of them don’t look like the ones you see in movies. Here are seven sharks that went down some decidedly strange evolutionary paths. Hosted by: Hank Green SciShow has a spinoff podcast! It’s called SciShow Tangents. Check it out at https://www.scishowtangents.org ———- Support
Why do exams always tell you to use a number 2 pencil? What happens if you don’t? Quick Questions explains! Hosted by: Michael Aranda ———- Messages from our Subbable subscribers: “Man, I was really holding out for that lab coat!” – Erik Avalos “Flabbergasted lemmings elegantly circumnavigate unanticipated pandemoniums utilizing transparent aluminium hovercraft.” – Eric
Physicists are interested in the big questions like “Where did we come from?” and “What is all this stuff?”. But the answers to some of these questions, just lead to more questions. Hosted by: Michael Aranda SciShow is on TikTok! Check us out at https://www.tiktok.com/@scishow ———- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scishow
Ever wonder what that dangling thing in the back of your throat is good for? Hank Green explains in this episode of SciShow Quick Questions. Hosted by: Hank Green ———- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters — we couldn’t make SciShow without them! Shout out to Justin Ove, David Campos, Chris Peters, Philippe
If you’ve ever put your feet up on a warm summer’s day and played “spot the shape in the cloud,” you might’ve seen a kangaroo, a guy preparing to facepalm, maybe a mushroom… On second thought, hopefully not that last one. Hosted by: Michael Aranda ———- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters —
Visit http://brilliant.org/scishow/ to get started learning STEM for free, and the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium subscription. Who doesn’t love to gaze at a beautiful butterfly fluttering by? Aesthetically speaking, they are simply wonderful to watch. Wonderful, that is, unless you are getting a rare glimpse of pheromone laced coremata.
Visit http://brilliant.org/scishow/ to get started learning STEM for free, and the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium subscription. The medical industry has developed countless methods and tools for diagnosing the myriad of illnesses that can befall us. This, as you might guess, includes cancer. But it took a research team five
The famous symptomless carrier of Typhoid Fever, Mary Mallon, never felt the effects of the fever, but never recovered from a medical system that didn’t know how to treat a carrier of the disease. Hosted by: Michael Aranda ———- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scishow ———- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following
Get NordVPN at https://NordVPN.com/minuteearth. Use code MINUTEEARTH to save 77%! Earth’s outer shell is made of two materials whose different densities and thicknesses give rise to two distinct “levels” on the planet’s surface. Watch our new show Paradigms (U.S. servers only!): https://www.vrv.co/paradigms Thanks also to our Patreon patrons https://www.patreon.com/MinuteEarth and our YouTube sponsors. ___________________________________________ To
Head to https://linode.com/scishow to get a $100 60-day credit on a new Linode account. Linode offers simple, affordable, and accessible Linux cloud solutions and services. While not used much any more as a primary source of light, candles are still everywhere, from an aroma in a bathroom to a mood during dinner. That is, until
Subscribe – it’s FREE! – http://goo.gl/EpIDGd And please support us on Patreon – https://goo.gl/ZVgLQZ REFERENCES Skin cell loss by weight Agache, P. & Humbert, P. 2004. “Measuring the Skin.” http://dft.ba/-74An Aly, R. et al. 1978. Effect of Prolonged Occlusion on the Microbial Flora, pH, Carbon Dioxide and Transepidermal Water Loss on Human Skin. http://dft.ba/-73BV Candi,
Visit http://brilliant.org/scishow/ to get started learning STEM for free, and the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium subscription. If you ask someone to picture a thunderstorm, chances are they will have no problem slipping into a memory of dark clouds and bright flashes screaming out from them. But, incredibly, they’re probably
Know your hybrids #shorts SUPPORT MINUTEEARTH ************************** If you like what we do, you can help us!: – Become our patron: https://patreon.com/MinuteEarth – Share this video with your friends and family – Leave us a comment (we read them!) CREDITS ********* David Goldenberg | Script Writer, Narrator and Director Sarah Berman | Illustration, Video Editing
Thanks to Blinkist for sponsoring this episode. The first 100 people to go to https://www.blinkist.com/scishow are going to get unlimited access for 1 week to try it out. You’ll also get 25% off if you want the full membership. We’ve invented airplanes, trains, automobiles and so much more to ease the process of traveling. But
A tiny change in a molecule’s geometry completely changes its effects on the human body. How We Made This Video (Ever & David Talk About Drugs): https://youtu.be/tefxgYP0BVM March for Science website: https://www.marchforscience.com Thanks also to our supporters on https://www.patreon.com/MinuteEarth ___________________________________________ If you want to learn more about this topic, start your googling with: Enantiomers: Molecules
Head to https://linode.com/scishow to get a $100 60-day credit on a new Linode account. Linode offers simple, affordable, and accessible Linux cloud solutions and services. In the fight against antibiotic-resistant bacteria, we might be able to find new treatments by looking at some of the world’s most venomous snakes. Hosted by: Michael Aranda SciShow is
Hydrogen Peroxide: It fizzes, it stings, but does it actually do you any good? Find out on this week’s Quick Question! Hosted by: Hank Green ———- Check out SciShow’s podcast SciShow Tangents at http://www.scishowtangents.org ———- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scishow ———- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters — we
This week, a new theory as to why the mighty and fearsome Tyrannosaurus rex has such cute little arms. And in more fossil news, recently discovered giant ichthyosaur bones present a different picture of the Triassic. Hosted by: Hank Green SciShow is on TikTok! Check us out at https://www.tiktok.com/@scishow ———- Support SciShow by becoming a
Subscribe – it’s FREE! – http://goo.gl/EpIDGd And please support us on Patreon – https://goo.gl/ZVgLQZ Your contributions help us make more videos! Have you ever wondered why leaves are green and not red, blue, or even black? We did too! Thanks to ScienceAlert for support – http://www.sciencealert.com MinuteEarth is on facebook – http://facebook.com/minuteearth And twitter –
This video was sponsored by 80,000 Hours. Head to https://80000hours.org/scishow to be sent a free copy of their in-depth career guide and sign up for their newsletter. All along the east coast of the United States there are thousands of oval shaped pock marks, and scientists think they have a clue as to how they
People spend billions of dollars every year trying to boost their health with multivitamins- but are they actually good for you? Hosted by: Michael Aranda ———- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scishow ———- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters — we couldn’t make SciShow without them! Shout out to Justin
Use the promo code “minuteearth” at https://curiositystream.com/minuteearth for 26% off an annual subscription to CuriosityStream, plus access to Nebula! There’s lots of debate as to which original starter Pokémon is the best fighter among squirtle, bulbasaur, charmander, and pikachu, but only one is the most biologically plausible. LEARN MORE ************** To learn more about this
Visit http://brilliant.org/scishow/ to get started learning STEM for free, and the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium subscription. You know how you somehow end up getting smoke in your eyes wherever you stand around a bonfire? Well, it turns out that’s not a curse! It’s much more easily explained with physics.
Most of the cases we call “electrocutions” are actually electric shocks: an electric current running through a body. Whether an electric shock becomes an electrocution depends on the nature of the current involved. We’re conducting a survey of our viewers! If you have time, please give us feedback: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SciShowSurvey2017 Hosted by: Hank Green ———- Support
We use seismographs to record the time, location and magnitude of earthquakes as they happen. But in the last three decades, a new field of study has emerged that is learning to track these details about earthquakes of old using the buildings that lived through them. Hosted by: Hank Green SciShow is on TikTok! Check
Offset your carbon footprint with Wren! They’ll protect 5 extra acres of rainforest for each of the first 100 people who sign up at https://www.wren.co/join/minuteearth. Optimal foraging theory means that turning down food is sometimes more efficient than eating it – but even then, what’s “wasted” doesn’t necessarily go to waste. LEARN MORE ************** To
The terminal velocity of an object is the speed at which the force of drag equals the force of gravity on that object. Like SciShow on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/scishow Follow SciShow on Twiter: http://www.twitter.com/scishow Narrated by Michael Aranda: http://www.youtube.com/michaelaranda All video footage used via Creative Commons license. See the full videos at the links below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NH6lKiMq_v4&hd=1
Get 30% off your first purchase (plus free shipping) when you use my code SCISHOW30 at https://cometeer.com/scishow5 We’ve made some great strides in understanding the human genome, but before we can tackle genetic engineering, we have some “chicken and egg” problems to figure out. Hosted by: Hank Green SciShow is on TikTok! Check us out
Your digestive system makes weird noises sometimes. You can’t really stop it from happening, but you can find out why it happens in the first place! Hosted by: Michael Aranda ———- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters — we couldn’t make SciShow without them! Shout out to Justin Lentz, John Szymakowski, Ruben Galvao,
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