TED & Talks

Connecting Los Tres Amigos for an Inside-Out SUCCESS | Dr. Carmen Schwalbe | TEDxHHL

In this passionate, interactive and unforgettable talk, Dr. Carmen Schwalbe shares her personal discovery journey, unleashing the power of the Los Tres Amigos Connection (our Brain, our Heart and our Gut) for a life-changing decision-making boost.

To fully take advantage of this inspiring talk, please grab a pen and some Post-its before you click play. Then get ready to apply Carmen’s experience into your own life right away, inspiring you to jump into the driver’s seat of a fully lived life.

Let’s go! With nothing else than her ambition and determination Carmen learned how our minds create our reality inspite of the cards we are given by birth.
Ten years ago she left Spain with an old suitcase, three T-Shirts and a Erasmus Fellowship for three months to get her international PhD in Nutrigenetics in Germany. During her MBA (Master in Business Administration) from the renowned HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management in Germany, Boston and India she got head-hunted into executive management, graduated from a highly competitive Management Trainee Program and had two babies, which she brought into her MBA classes.

Instead of jumping into top consultancy firms or leading hospitals as executive, she decided bringing herself her kids to bed every night and founded her own firm to empower globally women as speaker, trainer, coach and consultant. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

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